Realistic Photoshop Composites. 作者 Seventh Voyage. 战争场景特效合成PS教程 Gumroad – Realistic Photoshop Composites By Seventh Voyage. 讲解PS的一些基础知识,然后着重以真实战争场景合成为例,讲解如果添加各种元素、遮罩的使用、场景透视、调色等多方面的综合知识,创建逼真的Photoshop合成的课程,并与您分享一些我在Photoshop工作十年中学到的技巧和窍门,学习如何在工作中创造深度,创建更准确的阴影,创建更好的照明,对图像进行颜色分级以及了解如何将它们导出到Instagram等平台。相信您会学到很多东西,并且绝对可以帮助您将Photoshop合成技术提升到一个新的水平。
Gumroad – Realistic Photoshop Composites By Seventh Voyage. The goal of this course is to teach you important foundations you need to know in order to create the most realistic Photoshop composites. And to share with you some tips and tricks I have picked up over the last ten years of working in Photoshop. We are going to cover inspiration and do a brainstorm exercise for concepts. I will go over and give you the exact PSD file I start every project with. Learn how I mask out subjects, improve your perspective by learning about horizon lines and vanishing points, train your eyes to match color, learn how to create depth in your work, create more accurate shadows, create better lighting, color grade your images, and find out how to export them to Instagram so they stay sharp. Lastly, we will create this giant World War 2 scene.
