三维皇冠模型制作教程,三维皇冠黄金质感和毛绒布料材质制作教程 Levelup Digital – Creating a Royal Crown in Substance Designer – Daniel Thiger. 本套Substance Designer视频教程,逐步讲解在Substance Designer中制作高精度的皇冠模型,主要是布料材质、绒毛材质的制作。作者Daniel Thiger使用Substance Designer创建了一个照片级真实感皇冠。在本Substance Designer教程中,Daniel演示了他为金属饰品实现复杂细节和材质定义的技术。逐步了解如何创建具有逼真织物折叠感的高细节毛毡材质,以及具有豹纹状斑点的蓬松毛皮材质。由于Daniel经常使用工具节点来加快他的工作流程,他将分享有关如何创建有用的UV工具节点以轻松解决本地化细节的技术。
Levelup Digital – Creating a Royal Crown in Substance Designer – Daniel Thiger. Watch as long time Levelup.Digital collaborator Daniel Thiger creates a photorealistic Crown using Substance Designer. In this tutorial Daniel demonstrates his techniques for achieving intricate details and material definition for metallic ornaments.Learn step-by-step how to create a highly detailed felt material with realistic fabric folds, as well as a fluffy fur material with leopard-like spots. And since Daniel often uses utility nodes to speed up his workflow, he’ll be sharing insights into how to create a useful UV utility node to place localized detail with ease.
