Gumroad – Squirtle Modelling & Texturing Series by Michael Wilde. ZBrush+Maya+Mari乌龟建模材质教程 Gumroad – Squirtle Modelling & Texturing Series by Michael Wilde. 在ZBrush中制作宠物小精灵中杰尼龟的三维模型,包括ZBrush的建模、展UV、雕刻、材质贴图、拓扑,也会用到Maya 、Mari和Substance Designer软件,在本系列中,我将对这只可爱的乌龟从头到尾进行纹理化和建模的过程。我将逐步讲解我的方法和工作流程。在此过程中,我将讨论所有内容:设计,UV,建模,雕刻,纹理化,拓扑甚至是一些易错的总结。使用Substance Designer、Zbrush、Maya和Mari.
Squirtle: Modelling & Texturing Series. 作者 Michael Wilde VFX. In this series I go through the process of texturing and modeling this lovely turtle from start to finish. I will go through my methodology and workflows with step by step narration. Along the way I’m going to talk about it all: Design, UVs, modelling, sculpting, Texturing, topology and even a few failures. Intro / VFX Asset Pipeline. Ref is King. Zbrush Blockout. Retopo & UVing. Retopoing Cont. Shell & Tail. UV and UDIM Workflow. Zbrush Hand Sculpted Details. Painting Displacement in Mari. Shell Problem Solving. Analysing a First Pass Render. Zbrush Second Pass. Mari and Zbrush Balancing. Colour Block In and Mari Setup. Adding More Colour Details in Mari. Shell Hand Painting in Mari. Checking Renders and Making Edits. Final Mari Colour Textures. Making Secondary Maps. Glasses, Nails and Eyes. Arnold Render Scene Overview. Post Mortem.
