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Houdini魔法龙卷风特效教程 Volumes VI Controlling Magic – Applied Houdini – Volumes VI. 在Houdini中制作多层特效来叠加模拟魔法效果,这次不用Pyro来制作,而是通过多种变形器来模拟,另外也会涉及到着色器、灯光、渲染合成等。
Volumes VI Controlling Magic. In this lesson we’re going create a multi-layered magical scene using all kinds of advanced volume manipulation techniques. Instead of always using Pyro, we’ll begin by creating procedurally generated volumes that look great but are actually designed without simulation. Much of this will be accomplished via art directable volume deformations, with two different robust techniques implemented efficiently in VEX code. In addition to shading, lighting, rendering, and compositing topics, we’ll also design a custom vortex velocity field in order to drive some final simulations. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have the confidence to control any kind of volume effect, both magical or otherwise!

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