AE+C4D卡通場景MG動畫教程(中文字幕) Domestika – 2D and 3D Animation with After Effects and Cinema 4D By Andrea Gendusa. 中高階教程,講解如果将AE中的二維元素,和C4D的三維渲染元素,結合一起制作完整的MG場景動畫片頭。學習如何爲插畫作品提供活力。通過将Adobe After Effects和Cinema 4D完美結合,意大利動畫師Andrea Gendusa爲你的動畫作品提供解決方案。
Domestika – 2D and 3D Animation with After Effects and Cinema 4D By Andrea Gendusa. In this course, you will learn to combine 2D and 3D animation techniques to surprise your viewers, adding depth to your animations and breaking the linear limits of 2D.