C4D模型绑定动画教程 Motion Design School – Rigging and Animation in Cinema 4D. 讲解C4D各种模型的绑定,不仅限于人物绑定,也包括物体模型,介绍如何3D角色栩栩如生,无论是人,机器人,甚至是水母。学习如何手动或自动创建动画绑定,了解绑定装配的基本知识以及xPresso知识。感受CMOTION的魅力,避免创建复杂绑定的情况。在某些情况下,例如步行动画,您可以使用CMotion模块来制作它。只需单击几下,即可沿任何样条线创建自动动画的步行周期。组合几个CMotion对象,可以达到出色的效果。
Rigging and Animation in Cinema 4D. An online course on how to bring almost any 3D character to life, whether it is a person, a robot, or even a jellyfish. Learn how to create a rig that can be quickly and easily animated manually or automatically. Bring almost any 3D character to life. The best way to create your own cool 3D animation portfolio. Fast skillset upgrade for beginners and experienced 3D artists.
