使用V-RAY進行産品渲染,燈光照明和後期制作技術,The Gnomon Workshop – Product Rendering with V-Ray Lighting and Post-Production Techniques. 講解Maya中Vray渲染器在産品渲染流程的使用,包括三維攝像機的設置、場景燈光的設置、HDR的使用、材質貼圖,後期在Nuke中進行合成,講師Jesse Flores揭示了如何使用Maya和V-Ray創建有效的數字照明CG工作流程,學習場景中産品的照明技術。在您的工作流程上。講座還包括使用HDR圖像,光紋理和V-Ray中的網格燈的照明技術,以及每種技術如何成功展示産品中的細節以吸引消費者的眼球。結束語章節介紹了如何使用Cryptomattes在Nuke中将所有渲染層合成在一起,從而獲得更加專業的圖像。
PRODUCT RENDERING WITH V-RAY. LIGHTING AND POST-PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES WITH JESSE FLORES. With over four hours of lectures, Product Rendering with V-Ray discusses the importance of how to set up your 3D camera in Maya and explains how various angles affect the value of the products you’re shooting as well as how each decision has an impact on your workflow. The lectures also include lighting techniques using HDR images, light textures, and mesh lights in V-Ray, and how each can successfully showcase details within a product to catch a consumer’s eye. The concluding chapters teach how to composite all of the render layers together in Nuke using Cryptomattes to achieve professional-looking final images.
