電影概念設計教程,電影場景概念設計教程 Learn Squared – Cinematic Concept Design with John Sweeney. 設計制作電影感場景畫面,包括畫面的設計、鏡頭語言等多方面基礎理論知識的講解,教您從頭到尾創建電影般的影像。課程涵蓋了從電影分析到照片拍攝再到2D / 3D工作流程的所有内容。
Cinematic Concept Design. with naughty Dog Art Director John Sweeney. Create stunning works of art by implementing the powerful language of film. Follow along as concept artist John Sweeney teaches you to create a cinematic image from start to finish. Covering everything from film analysis, to photoshoots, to 2D/3D workflows, this course should prove invaluable for both beginners and experts alike.