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ZBrush人物建模系统流程教程 Reallusion – Zbrush Pipeline Learning Videos. 逐步讲解三维人物建模的流程,包括从Character Creator 3中导出基础模型,然后在ZBrush中进行细节雕刻,课程用到的软件:Character Creator, iClone, 3DXchange, ZBrush, Marmoset Toolbag, Substance Painter, Photoshop, Maya.
ZBRUSH PIPELINE. LEARNING VIDEOS. Make Static Sculptures Ready to Move. Reallusion – Zbrush Pipeline Learning Videos. Follow the step-by-step tutorials by the industry-leading expert. Learn from the Basic CC3 GoZ Pipeline and Flexible Design Change to Advanced Design for Custom Eyes, Lashes, Teeth, and Build Head Morph. Get the Free ZBrush Character Models created in the tutorials to help you hands on practice.

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