Substance Painter Fast Track 从Substance Painter基础知识开始,到Substance Painter新功能,学习Substance Painter用户界面到Substance Painter各种材质。学习Substance Painter工作流程(包括生成器,模板和投影绘画),学习如何将Substance Painter纹理导入Blender等3D软件并最终渲染。讲解Substance Painter软件贴图材质制作高级教程,Substance Painter工业级别科幻效果材质的制作方法等。
CGFastTrack – Substance Painter Fast Track – Fundamentals. Fast track the process of setting up projects inside Substance Painter and get to know the essentials of the user interface. Begin your Substance journey with baking and getting to know the power of channels. Begin to build custom materials in the layer stack as you learn the essentials of working with fill layers and masks. You’ll also begin to add procedural effects to the character and mix and match built-in smart materials. Start to add in the final details to the character and begin to customize all of the materials, while adding the details that will take the character to the final level. You’ll harness the power over the look of materials with workflows including generators, stencils, and projection painting. Simplify the exporting processes by utilizing these workflows to get your textures over to Blender. Build a final presentation including a projected dome environment that will add depth to the final turntable render.
