CGFastTrack – The Art of Lighting in Blender – Blender三维场景灯光教程,教程整体分成五个部分,从基础灯光渲染、三点灯光、色彩理论、场景阴影、合成等方面全面讲解Blender中灯光的使用。学习如何使用这些易于遵循的技术将Eevee转换为更像Cycles的渲染引擎。在学习从概念到最终的照明设置的过程中,您将深入探讨艺术基础知识并应用三点照明,色彩理论和构图,将场景变为现实。学会应用遮光罩和80/20规则吸引眼球并制作美观的构图。电影照明就是要用阴影绘制数字场景,创建讲述故事的环境气氛照明。
CGFastTrack – The Art of Lighting in Blender – Blender. The Art of Lighting in Blender. Fast Track the technical side of lighting and rendering and learn how to transform Eevee into a more Cycles-like rendering engine with these easy-to-follow techniques. Dive into art fundamentals and apply three point lighting, color theory, and composition as you learn to bring your scenes to life while building lighting setups from concept to final. Apply these principles to sleek and stylish lighting as you build on top of Part 2. Learn to apply gobos and the 80/20 rule to attract your eye and make aesthetically pleasing compositions. Cinematic lighting is all about painting digital scenes with shadows. Part 4 will walk you through lighting a prop and creating atmospheric lighting that tells a story. Wrap up the series by applying all these techniques onto an environment as you layout, light, and compose this post-apocalyptic zombie scene.
