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Houdini制作建筑物爆破坍塌特效教程,CG Circuit – Total Destruction Vol.2 RBD Simulations Houdini. 学习创建Houdini刚体动态模拟所需的一切,从简单的坠落物体到爆破整个建筑物。本套是Houdini爆破/爆炸特效系列教程,本套是Total Destruction: Vol.2 RBD Simulations. The Total Destruction Series.
In this online course, the viewer will learn everything needed to create Rigid Body Dynamic Simulations, ranging from simple falling objects to demolishing entire buildings. We will go through the basics of creating your own DOP Networks from scratch, learn the new RBD workflow in Houdini 18 and finally we will create a complex building demolition scene with production proven workflows. After viewing this course, people can expect to be very comfortable creating destruction effects using not only the new RBD workflow in Houdini 18, but also to be able to create their own DOP Networks from scratch, to be able to add more controll and functionality to their destruction effects.

原版CG教程:5690.839 M