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Maya三维角色人物动画教程(部分) Vertex School – Animation Program Pre-Course. 三维角色动画Maya课程,讲解三维角色人物动画,绑定全部细节,动作的制作,各种走路动画技巧,目前未完结只有7个视频教程。
Vertex School – Animation Program Pre-Course. A complete 3D animation course for today’s creatives. Our program will teach you the core 3D artist skills that you need to achieve your full creative freedom while building a portfolio custom tailered for the animation industry.
The thing that sets Vertex School apart is our unique bi-weekly meetings. We’ve built an intense program that guides you through the work you need to do but doesn’t leave you alone to do it. You’ll meet with your mentors twice a week for crits and lectures.We’ve got you covered.

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