ZBrush人物角色建模全面教程 Introduction to Sculpting,超过14个小时的视频教程,全面讲解ZBrush人物角色建模雕刻的步骤,各种工具的配合使用,ZB雕刻入门教程,学习如何进行雕刻,改变您的艺术的概念,了解什么是吸引人的东西,了解手势,雕塑的技巧,雕刻风格化的角色等等!从最简单的使用的工具,基本的雕刻技术,再到雕刻皱纹,雕刻毛孔,手势和吸引力技巧,雕刻头发,雕刻胡须,以及拉伸和压缩。全面学习雕刻矮人,老师是Henning Sanden – FlippedNormals的联合创始人,已经雕刻了将近15年。曾为加勒比海盗,蝙蝠侠V超人,环太平洋起义和外星人盟约等电影中的英雄角色做过雕刻,并在一些欧洲顶尖艺术大学教授雕塑课程。课程主要使用ZBrush 2020,同样适用于Blender、Nomad for Ipad、ZBrush Core Mini、3D-Coat、Mudbox等其它3D软件。
Introduction to Sculpting flippednormals. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to sculpt, Introduction to Sculpting will give you the tools you need to become a great artist. With over 14 hours of high-quality training, you will be introduced to concepts that will transform your art. Learn what appeal is, understand gesture, block out your sculpts, sculpt stylized characters, and much more!
Sculpting Fundamentals. Tools Used. Basics Vs Fundamentals. Sculpting Techniques. Dynamesh Vs Subdivisions. Sculpting Workflow. Clay Brushes. Reference & Observation. Blockout. Clean Shapes. Gesture Appeal. Silhouette. Mid Frequency. Sculpting Wrinkles. Sculpting Hair. Stylized Dragon Sculpting. Stretching Compression. Pores High Freq. Anatomy Sculptover. Orc Sculptover. Sculpting Checklist. How to Improve Assignments. Project Overview. Blocking. Head Refinement. Facial Features Refinement. Beard. Refinement. Asymmetry. Beard. Beard Ornaments. Eyebrows. Finalizing.
