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AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator


AI矢量图标制作教程(中文字幕) Lynda – Creating Icons with Illustrator. 讲解如何在AI中制作一个矢量图标,包括讲解AI的一些基本操作,比如排列、命名、导出、AI常用的工具的使用等。本课程概述了AI图标的定义及其主要特征,然后教您如何使用Adobe Illustrator设计自己的图标。讲师Bart Van de Wiele探讨了如何使用图标,以及为什么可伸缩性很重要。BART将指导您在开始设计过程之前如何设置Illustrator文档。他介绍了如何使用Illustrator画板来排列、命名和导出图标来组织您的工作。向您介绍将草图导入Illustrator的方法,然后介绍如何以数字方式清理草图。他向你展示了如何使用简单、复杂和复合的形状来数字化地构建你的徽标,然后探索了几种更高级的技术。Bart介绍了将图标导出到Web、打印以及在Photoshop等其他应用程序中使用的最佳实践。

Lynda – Creating Icons with Illustrator. This course provides an overview of what an icon is and its key characteristics, then teaches you how to design your own icons using Adobe Illustrator. Instructor Bart Van de Wiele explores why you need icons, how you use them, and why scalability is important. Bart steps you through how to set up your Illustrator document before you begin your design process. He describes how to organize your work using Illustrator artboards for arranging, naming, and exporting your icons. Bart walks you through ways to import your sketch into Illustrator, then goes over how to clean up your sketch digitally. He shows you how to use simple, complex, and compound shapes to build your logo digitally, then explores several more advanced techniques. In conclusion, Bart covers best practices for exporting your icons for the web, for print, and for use in other applications like Photoshop.

AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator
AI矢量图标制作教程 Creating Icons with Illustrator


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