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Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading – Blender材质着色器教程

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Blender材质着色器教程 CGCookie – Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading. 着重讲解Blender中材质的制作,也会讲解Cycles和Eevee中不同着色器的效果,Blender贴图的添加,Blender渲染设置。

CGCookie – Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading. In this 40+ lesson course about the fundamentals of materials and shading, you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating materials.You’ll also learn about all of the different shaders in Cycles and Eevee, the basics of adding textures, the principles of physically based rendering which will make your materials more believable.I’ll show you how to avoid the most common shading pitfalls, the right workflows for rendering different types of material effects, and how to create your own custom Blender shaders that are super user friendly.

Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程
Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading - Blender材质着色器教程

原版CG教程:3130.983 M



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