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Maya真实草地制作教程 Skillshare – Maya Mash Creating Realistic Grass Like a Pro. Mash是Maya中制作程序化场景的工具,本教程讲解利用Mash来制作真实的草地场景。
Skillshare – Maya Mash Creating Realistic Grass Like a Pro. Maya Mash is an incredible tool to create procedural kind of work inside Maya. it is a very new kind of tool set that Maya has introduced which is really nice tool to make tedious work in a such a fashion which will reduce time of all artist. Maya mash is not something like you do it with manual approach. this tool set is extremely handy to make ton of similar kind of jobs in a very few span of time therefore Maya mash tool is now very popular to populate a vast area in a second by using this which is an opportunity to make any kind of foliage vegetation and environmental repetitive work which was done earlier by Maya particle instancer though the concept of this Maya mash is instancer but it is very powerful than normal Maya instancer because of you can do motion graphics kind of work with this tool set so here I am presenting this short course that how you are going to use this Maya mash tool to get this kind of foliage for vegetation kind of natural effects pretty easily. The main thing is this that knowing is and doing is something totally different because the workflow is going to be the best practice of this workflow otherwise you can complicate things very easily if you don’t know the proper workflow so in this course you are going to learn that actual handy workflow that you are going to use this Maya mash with your ideas.

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