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PR视频调色颜色校正教程 Color Grading Central – Color Grading Academy For Adobe Premiere. 全面讲解Premiere视频调色的方法,包括70节视频教程,包含工程文件,讲解自然色调的调节方法、色彩理论介绍等技术。
A step-by-step color grading training program.
Opportunities to ask questions and get answers from me.
Nearly 70 in-depth training titles.
Exercise files so you can download and follow along with.
A proper color grading workflow.
Easy to follow system for matching multiple cameras and shots in a scene.
Strategies to help you work more quickly and efficiently.
In-depth series on getting proper and natural looking skin tones.
In-depth color theory series so you can create “looks” that aid the story.
Breakdown series on creating the looks of popular feature films.
A certificate of completion upon completing the masterclass.

原版CG教程:16871.244 M