用于排版的高级动画教程,AE+C4D文字动态排版教程(西班牙语英文字幕) Domestika – Advanced Animation for Typographic Compositions By Holke 79. 学习文字排版动画技巧,包括二维和三维动画排版,结合AE和C4D来制作有意思的文字动画。使用After Effects和Cinema 4D制作动画海报和动画版式设计。对字体进行重复和各种变形,跳舞的文字动画和音乐海报。
Domestika – Advanced Animation for Typographic Compositions By Holke 79. Learn the technical and theoretical methods to push your kinetic typography skills to the next level, with Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects, creating an animated poster as a tribute to your favorite band, festival, or genre.
