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Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane – C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程

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C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程 Skillshare – Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane. 快速简单的在C4D中进行手表建模、材质和灯光渲染,会用到Octane渲染器,快速小教程。

Skillshare – Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane. How to Model, Texture and Light a VERY EASY and ULTRA REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane This is a very simple model and you only need to know the very basics of Cinema 4D to get started!!Octane is also recommended but you can follow the tutorial without octane as well.So what are you waiting for? Start today!

Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane - C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程
Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane - C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程
Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane - C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程
Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane - C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程
Modelling Texturing and Lighting a VERY EASY and REALISTIC Watch in Cinema 4D and Octane - C4D手表材质灯光渲染教程

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