PS摄影修图,电影级调色修图,婚纱摄影修图,商业人像修图教程,PS人像美容修图教程 Liquidverve – Coloring and Stylization for Portraits. PS商业人像修图教程,包括前期RAW图片得处理、杂物移除、人像细节处理、颜色调节等,包含工程文件和素材。
LV Coloring and Stylization for Portraits V-3.0. PS人像美容修图教程 Liquidverve – Coloring and Stylization for Portraits. PS商业人像修图教程,影楼摄影修图,包括前期RAW图片得处理、杂物移除、人像细节处理、颜色调节等,包含工程文件和素材(.abr .atn .tbr .ARW .3dl .cube .png)等PS笔刷和PS动作。
Liquidverve – Coloring and Stylization for Portraits. Welcome to my in-depth coloring and stylization course for portrait editing! This tutorial will introduce you to color theory and application in portrait editing, so you can build a strong foundation for creating your own style!