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Houdini破碎特效教程 Cgforge – Destruction 1/2/3. 讲解Houdini中的刚体破碎动力学知识,包括破碎的理论、场景练习、Houdini场景工程等,讲解Houdini破碎物体的分析、不同解算器的区别、Houdini约束器的使用、不同的破碎效果等。
Cgforge – Destruction 1/2/3. Destruction I is the perfect course for getting started with Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD) using Houdini. The course contains theory, practice, exercises, scene files, and print-outs that are useful in production.More specifically, this includes: Analyzing collision meshes, understanding packed primitives, RBD packed primitives, the differences between solvers, understanding how constraints work, voronoi fracturing, boolean fracturing, name & cluster attributes, how to control additional RBD attributes, active objects, static objects, deforming objects, animated objects, mass, bounce, friction, half life, proper caching workflows, re-timing, and much more.

原版CG教程:4134.169 M