ZBrush+Maya+Mari制作外星生物角色 Creating a Fantasy Creature. 5个小时的视频教程,在ZBrush中制作生物模型,然后导入到Mari中制作角色贴图,最后在Maya中进行场景灯光等的制作。
ZBrush Maya Mari Creating a Fantasy Creature. The 5-hour workshop begins with a sketch — in this case, a concept based on macro photography of a silkworm. The drawing is taken as a rough idea for a 3D model into ZBrush, where all further design decisions are made. Babak reveals some of his favorite ZBrush tools that help him divide up models and maximize efficiency, and he discusses his decision-making and design choices throughout the process.With the ZBrush model complete, Babak shares his ZBrush PolyPainting techniques and the process of exporting maps for further texturing work in the industry-favorite 3D painting tool, Mari. He discusses the other maps required for shading and reveals how they are generated and facilitate more shading possibilities.
