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C4D玻璃材质场景动画教程 Skillshare – Cinema 4D and Redshift Building Glass Composition and Animation. 在C4D中制作玻璃材质模型循环场景动画,用redshift渲染器,一些简单效果器的使用、灯光材质的制作,Cinema 4D + Redshift 玻璃材质渲染教程。
Skillshare – Cinema 4D and Redshift Building Glass Composition and Animation. In this class we`ll use Cinema 4D and Redshift for creating loopable animation of glass geometry. We`ll use a mogpraph effector for simplifying anumation process, work with animation curves, with lights and of course materials and render.

原版CG教程:471.000 M