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Artstation – Mels Mneyan – Dune Queen fast key frames – Tutorial Octane 2020 Photoshop. Octane软件场景渲染教程 Artstation – Dune Queen fast key frames – Tutorial Octane Standalone 2020 and Photoshop. 讲解Octane渲染器独立软件版本里快速渲染的步骤,包括在Daz3d中三维角色动作的设置,导入Octane等,后期在PS中就行调节。
Artstation – Dune Queen fast key frames – Tutorial Octane Standalone 2020 and Photoshop. In this Tutorial, you will gonna learn how Octane stand alone is working and how you can use it as an incredible fast tool for your renders.also, you can learn how you can pose and set up characters and props from Daz3d to Octane or other soft you need, you can upgrade some technics about post-processing in Photoshop.

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