使用Adobe Illustrator CC绘制卡通怪物角色,学习创建专业的矢量插图,AI绘制卡通怪物角色教程 Yes Im a Designer – Drawing Monsters with Adobe Illustrator CC. 包含三个卡通角色绘画的步骤,讲解绘画过程中使用的笔刷、颜色等多种技巧。我们将研究三个角色插图项目,从最初的草图到完整的矢量图,覆盖整个工作流程,以使您深入了解创作过程的每个步骤。
Drawing Monsters with Adobe Illustrator CC. Learn to create professional vector character illustrations. Advanced vector art techniques in Adobe Illustrator. Producing vector artwork that can be used both on web, print and animation. Creating character illustrations ready to be sold as stock assets. Coming up with and sketching unique and engaging characters. Principles of character illustration and creating engaging characters.
