如何拍摄制作定格动画?传统动画方式制作定格动画会很麻烦,今天学习After Effects模拟制作定格动画,Skillshare – The Stop Motion Look in After Effects By Jake Bartlet. 不仅仅是讲解AE中制作定格动画的方法,也会讲解制作真实照片级别元素效果,教您如何实现照片般逼真的材质效果。使现代图形动画看起来像传统定格动画,增强图形的深度以增加逼真度,有效地将纹理应用于图形,使用表达式为场景创建全局控件,我将向您展示如何使用键盘快捷键来提高工作流程效率。学习各种工作流程和技巧。在本课程结束时,您将在After Effects中制作逼真的定格动画。
The Stop Motion Look in After Effects. Jake Bartlett, Motion Designer. Through this jam packed course I’m going to teach you not only how to create a stop-motion animation look inside After Effects, but also a completely photo-real felt material effect. Making an animation look like stop motion. Giving depth to your graphics to add realism. Applying textures to your graphics efficiently. Using expressions to create global controls for your scenes.
