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SketchUp全面基础入门教程 Lynda – SketchUp 2021 Essential Training. 快速入门SketchUp 2021软件,包括基础的几面讲解、SketchUp模型制作绘制、元素组织整理、SketchUp贴图材质等。
Lynda – SketchUp 2021 Essential Training. In this course, you can get up to speed with this easy-to-use computer modeling application by gaining a foundational understanding of the drawing and design tools offered in the 2021 version of SketchUp. Instructor Tammy Cody covers navigating the interface, manipulating objects, drawing, organizing drawing elements, and working with materials and textures on both Windows and Mac computers. Plus, learn how to apply simple styles and animation to make your 3D projects more polished and presentable. Throughout the course, Tammy provides opportunities for you to practice what you’ve learned.

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