在Cinema 4D和Photoshop中创建抽象艺术,在C4D中不用任何第三方插件,制作抽象模型变形动画,课程非常基础且易于学习,Cinema 4D的初学者都可以学习。作者Amar Shinde是电影制片人| MotionDesigner | 视觉效果| 3DArtist | 艺术总监| 自由职业者 企业家。一直在使用不同类型的软件来创建CG,FX和Abstract渲染,目的是尝试使用不同的软件来学习新知识并获得有趣的结果,已经在这个行业任教5年了。
Skillshare – Creating Abstract Art In Cinema 4D and Photoshop – Cryptic with Reimagine Fx. Creating Abstract Art In Cinema 4D and Photoshop – Cryptic. Reimagine Fx. In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to create abstract art in cinema 4d without using any third-party plugin. The lessons are very basic and easy to learn, anybody whos a beginner in Cinema 4D can learn it. I hope you enjoy this class. Terrain. Abstract. Particles. Shading and Lighting. Render Settings. Post Process.
