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3DS MAX 2022基础入门介绍教程 Lynda – 3ds Max 2022 Essential Training. 讲解3DS MAX 2022的自定义用户界面、偏好设置、样条线建模、多边形建模、细分曲面、摄像机、灯光、关键帧动画、3DS MAX 2022 Arnold和QuickSilver渲染引擎等多方面基础知识。
Lynda – 3ds Max 2022 Essential Training. In this course, instructor Aaron F. Ross provides an overview of the entire package, as well as essential skills that 3D artists need to create professional models and animations. Aaron shows you how to get around the 3ds Max interface and customize it to suit your preferences. He describes how to model different objects using splines, polygons, and subdivision surfaces. Aaron explains how to construct hierarchies, add cameras and lights, and animate with keyframes. In closing, he takes an in-depth look at materials and texture mapping, as well as options for rendering engines such as Arnold and Quicksilver.

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