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达芬奇视频调色高级教程 达芬奇专业色彩分级技术 Lowepost – Professional Color Grading Techniques In Davinci Resolve. 深度讲解达芬奇16(DaVinci Resolve 16)视频调色的技巧方法,包括对比度控制、色彩平衡控制、达芬奇色彩原理和调色技巧等。
Lowepost – Professional Color Grading Techniques In Davinci Resolve. This course provides colorists with an in-depth overview of professional color grading techniques and look creation in DaVinci Resolve 16.The main concepts discussed in the course are advanced contrast management, balancing techniques and look development. The focus is primarily on higher end color grading, color theory and teaching techniques that took professional colorists years of experience to master.

原版CG教程:2219.978 M