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Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班

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达芬奇视频调色教程 Lowepost – Masterclass in color grading with John Daro. 讲解达芬奇调色的基本步骤,以及一些常见效果的调节方法,不仅仅适用于达芬奇,其他调色软件原理相同。

Lowepost – Masterclass in color grading with John Daro. John Daro is a world-renowned senior colorist working at Warner Bros in Los Angeles, and in this masterclass you are invited into his color suite. John has color graded feature films and tv-series for all the major studios in Hollywood and will teach you techniques and strategies that will help you become a better colorist.The course is about the art and craft of color grading and is not designed to teach the operations of a specific software.

Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班
Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班
Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班
Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班
Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班
Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班
Lowepost Masterclass in Color Grading with John Daro 达芬奇视频调色教程 颜色分级大师班

原版CG教程:858.352 M



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