Skillshare – Ultra Realistic Texturing in Cinema 4D Octane. C4D Octane渲染器车漆材质制作教程,简单的小教程,在C4D中通过Octane渲染器来制作真实车漆材质,自己可以调节车漆颜色、贴图、HDRI等。Cinema 4D Octane中超逼真的纹理教程!在Cinema 4D中对汽车进行纹理处理,这是一个非常简单的课程,使用HDRI对其进行照明,您只需要了解Cinema 4D的基础知识即可上手!
Skillshare – Ultra Realistic Texturing in Cinema 4D Octane. The project is quite simple, try to texture a car like I showed you but instead, use a different one so that you can really test your texturing capabilities! You can use any colors and textures you want! Light it with an HDRI and use all the tools taught in the video so that your concepts are revised.
