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TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive


TyFlow是3DS MAX的一款粒子模拟插件,本教程深度講解TyFlow插件的使用方法,包括tyActors、VDBs、自定義粒子、材質驅動粒子模拟、基于Phoenix的流體煙霧模拟、布料模拟等。

深入研究使用tyFlow高端3D模拟和動态FX,涵蓋每個tyFlow功能的各種設置技術和技巧,面料去皮特效,柔體充氣特效,頭發/毛發特效,有機生長特效,爆炸煙霧特效,PhysX特效,群集特效,液體流體特效,Phoenix FD撕裂特效,通過Phoenix&tyFlow通過速度獲得液體顔色,将物體懸挂在繩索上,在曲面之間生成綁定,使用tySlicer切割繩索,使用Phoenix FD sim數據爲tyFlow粒子着色,使用VDB Sphere打包功能,使用紋理控制粒子的外觀和行爲,全套TyFlow課程提供了幾十個流行特效案例。

Take a Deep Dive Into Setting Up High-End 3D Simulations & Dynamic FX with tyFlow. (so you can level-up your reel, book better projects & charge premium rates). Introducing the All-New Training: The tyFlow Deepdive by RedefineFX. Learn From a Variety of New Setups Covering Every Major tyFlow Feature. VDBs, Actors, Custom Properties, tyMesher, tySlicer, Cloth Sims, Tearing, Inflation, Phoenix FD everything, Particle Binds, …it’s all here. All of the below examples were created to cover as wide a spectrum of skills as possible.

TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive
TyFlow教程 3DS MAX TyFlow粒子插件全面高級教程 RedefineFX TyFlow DeepDive


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