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Houdini爆炸特效教程 Rebelway – Explosion Fix In Houdini Week 1 第一周,讲解Houdini中爆炸特效的制作方法,这个目前是第一周课程,后面的有更新会陆续加上来,可以关注VeryCG最新的课程。
Rebelway – Explosion Fix In Houdini Week 1 . In this VFX course, you will learn how to create a highly realistic nuclear explosion shot and various other explosion types from beginning to end.
Week 1:
Intro to voxels and how to manipulate and create
Volume data in Houdini.
Intro to dops and smoke solver.
How does a smoke solver works.
Fume FX, Maya Fluids, and why Houdini Stands out.
Houdini 18 And Sparse solver.

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