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Rebelway – Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程

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Houdini破碎特效教程 Rebelway – Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini 完整版,一共10周的课程,讲解Houdini在影视中破碎特效的模拟,Houdini高阶教程。MASTERING DESTRUCTION & FX IN HOUDINI. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CREATING DESTRUCTION IN HOUDINI.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 01:
An in-depth look at the project and the various problems we may face. Come up with solutions for the various challenges we may face. An in-depth look at bullet and dops.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 02:
Create various otls that we will use throughout the workshops (custom constraint, geometry prep, destruction, etc…). Create an advanced layering system that will allow us to handle a lot more geometry very efficiently.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 03:
Bending and secondary fracturing. Environment destruction and geometry preparation. Setting the environment bullet and constraint system.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 04:
Start creating the actual destruction and create a system to efficiently handle collision with high-res geometry. Character preparation and interaction with the environment.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 05:
Tweaking the sim and creating high-res main rbd simulation, create and develop various debris systems using bullets and pops.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 06:
An in-depth look at smoke and dust simulation in Houdini. Creating air fields and dealing with emission from fast moving objects.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 07:
Ground destruction and crumbling.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 08:
Various advanced destruction tips and tricks and optimization.

Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini Week 09 & 10:
Shading, lighting and rendering and compositing the various elements that we’ve created using Arnold in Houdini.

Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程
Rebelway - Mastering Destruction & FX in Houdini (完整版) Houdini破碎特效教程

原版CG教程:25723.177 M



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