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Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment – ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程

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ZBrush+Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程 Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment. 通过ZBrush、Moi3D软件的配合制作有机机械化模型,包括模型的建模材质,Octane渲染输出以及后期PS的合成等。

Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment. In this class Vitaly demonstrates and explains his approach and techniques for creating a solid “1st Pass” 3D Design of a robotic character for a Film or a Videogame project. The first pass design phase is considered one of the most challenging and critical stages of the 3D design creation process. “Challenging” because fast turnaround times with high quality are usually expected by clients at the beginning of a project when there is still room for exploration. Therefore, this stage demands an array of skills throughout several software packages and clarity of design thinking about the task at hand. “Critical” because a properly done and a successful 1st pass design creates a definite visual target for the project early on and lays the foundation for the future iterative work on the more refined/final design version. It also reduces overall cost and saves time of the asset production for the entire team while not compromising quality. Software and techniques explored by Vitaly include block-out sculpting in ZBrush, SubD modeling, retopo, CAD modeling in Moi3D, utilizing 3D KitBash libraries, Octane Render and Finalizing the image in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程
Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment - ZBrush Moi3D机械角色模型制作教程

原版CG教程:1711.774 M



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