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Udemy Tutorials – Cinema 4D Complete Vol. 2. All about Modeling! Master the polygon modeling, create any object you want. What you’ll learn: All about modeling in Cinema 4D. Selecting, moving, scaling, rotating polygons precisely. Using splines to create intricate design. Defining and creating complex objects with the deformers. Mastering the OpenVDB workflow to free yourself from the polygons. Learn to model many real life objects using all the knowledge you just acquired.
How to select, move, scale and rotate polygons precisely, fluently, and as fast as possible to allow a smoother workflow. All about splines, those vector shapes that are so useful when you want to create complex objects. The generators, such as the mirror, the remesher and the all-powerful Subdivision Surface, at the very core of polygon modeling. The polygon commands, such as the extrude, bevel tool, but also the stich’n’sew and many less known tools. The deformers, which allow you to reshape objets to your needs or even create whole models from simple primitives. OpenVDB modeling, another way to create complex objects parametrically without the hassle of polygons. Several workshops in the end of the course will teach you real life examples and how to model many objects : a screw, a spoon, a coffee cup and its holder, a soccer ball and many others. This training has been recorded on the R23 but you can follow it easily on previous versions of the software, down to R17.

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