中国古风场景道具模型,包含中国古代建筑、人物服饰、龙、石狮子、咬钱蟾蜍、石头等多种游戏风格3D模型,OBJ+ZTL+ZBP格式,模型超精细,China_character_kit,China_enverement_kit,China_simvol_kit,Chino_props_kit 含4套中国风模型库,为3d / 2d草图和游戏项目设计的。中国古风系列作品展示了中国古代人文环境,为你的古风游戏或者中国风电影的设计提供参考,提高创造效率,对于艺术家的概念形成了一个集合,它将为您节省开发原型和草图的时间。
This brush kit archive for Zbrush this containing a models of Chinese style. the total number of objects 4. The model is designed for 3d / 2d sketches and game projects. All objects are triangulated views or decimation. All objects are designed to work with zbrash. If you wont use objects in anothe program you must to export objects from zbrush INCLUDE + .ZIPChinasimvol_kit /+ JPG Tutorial /+ JPG Final kit and exempls /+ .ZBP / + 4 of objects(OBJ/ZBP/ZTL格式)

CG资源大小:6456.243 M
CG资源包含:.zbp .ztl .obj 等后缀