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ZBrush机械硬面建模教程 Artstation – Hard Surface ZBrush Tutorial – Modeling A UH-60 Rotor by Henry Chervenka. 70个视频超过9小时的视频教程,讲解ZBrush中硬面建模的方法,涉及到作者从业多年的ZBrush工作经验和技巧分享,Zmodeler、Zremesher、Sculptris Pro、布尔、效果器、拓扑等多方面知识的讲解。
Over the years, I’ve done a lot of hard surface modeling in Zbrush and found myself learning many different techniques and workflows. I thought it might be useful to someone out there if I recorded it all on video and talked through the process with you. If you’re interested in learning more about that, this tutorial will include:
70+ Videos with 9+ hours of footage covering ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques such as:
Zremesher (for hard surface)
Sculptris Pro
Gizmo Deformers
Array Mesh
Clip and Slice Brushes
Retopology Techniques

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