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电影文字标题特效C4D教程 Cineversity – Creating an Animated Intro Title. 在C4D设计电影风格的三维文字动画,使用Cinema 4D设计动画的制作和渲染输出,然后在AE中进行后期合成。
In this tutorial series, you will learn how to create, design and animate a 3D extruded intro title with Cinema 4D.You’ll render to After Effects for final compositing utilizing Maxon One tools such as Trapcode Particular, Magic Bullet and Universe to build the final look.By the end of this series, you’ll feel comfortable stylizing, animating and extruding text, become more familiar with the C4D sculpting tools to create damage, learn how to render image sequences to After Effects and more about how After Effects and Red Giant can aid in your final look.
原版CG教程:363.661 M