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ZBrush三维模型雕刻基础教程 Artstation – Zbrush Core Mini Tutorial Learn Sculpting From Scratch. 全面讲解ZBrush软件的试用方法,包括各种建模工具的使用、建模的基本步骤、小技巧、渲染技巧。
Artstation – Zbrush Core Mini Tutorial Learn Sculpting From Scratch. Zbrush core mini is a completely free version with minimum tools which is good for beginners. You don’t have to pay and there aren’t lot of tools to confuse you.At the end of this class, your will be able to sculpt using all the features inside of Zbrush Core Mini as well as understand all the principles that we use everyday as sculptors. and you will be ready for the main Zbrush version.

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