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3DS MAX Vray室内环境真实渲染教程(英文字幕) Udemy – 3ds Max + V-Ray: Complete 3D Photorealistic Rendering Course. 讲解3DS MAX中,利用Vray渲染器进行真实室内场景渲染的方法,包括Vray的设置、摄像机动画、材质灯光多方面。Create Beautiful Photorealistic 3D Renderings with 3ds Max + V-Ray | Taught by an award-winning 3ds Max + V-ray designer.
Create your own photorealistic renderings from scratch with 3ds Max + Vray
Become confident using 3ds Max + V-Ray
Find paid work & get a job with your 3ds Max + V-Ray skills
Render setup with V-Ray
Place cameras & understand camera settings
Add natural & artificial lighting to your scene
Add materials to make your scenes photorealistic
Create 360° photos and virtual tours
Work with ArchiCAD & 3ds Max together
Learn the basics of 3ds Max – perfect for anyone brand new to this application

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