本套渲染教程,用八猴渲染器Marmoset Toolbag制作多种真实材质,包括灯光的设置,常用工具的使用等,介绍如何在八猴渲染器Marmoset Toolbag中设置渲染参数。学习设置场景渲染步骤,灯光照明方面需要考虑的事项,渲染常用工具和设置,以及一些技巧。全流程讲解渲染两种不同的材质过程。本教程包含两套纹理,供您练习渲染。一个是程式化的纹理,另一个是真实逼真纹理。重点不是这些三维材质纹理的制作,而是如何利用材质纹理渲染出逼真的效果,提高你影视动画或游戏作品的视觉效果。
In this tutorial, we cover how I set up my renders within Marmoset Toolbag. We go through the steps I take for setting up a scene, what to think about when it comes to lighting, common tools and settings, as well as some tips on what to take into consideration. We render two different materials from start to finish.Included with this tutorial are two sets of textures for you to practice rendering with. One is a stylized texture, the other a realistic texture. We don’t cover the creation of these materials, as the focus is on presentation and how to achieve the desired look.