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AE Duik人物角色绑定教程(英文字幕) Udemy – Rigging a Character with Duik Bassel in After Effects. 全面讲解Duik插件在人物角色绑定方面的使用,讲解什么是 IK / FK以及不同点,人物头部面部的绑定、走路动画、跑步动画、骑自行车动画的制作、人物各个关节的控制。
Rigging a Character with Duik Bassel in After Effects. Learn Duik Bassel to easily do character animation and Humanoid Character Rigging and improve your motion graphics.
How to use all of Duik Bassel Script
How to rig a human and animal character in After Effects
What is IK / FK, Which One to Use and When
How to rig a head and facial components
how to create a walking animation automatically using duik bassel
how to create a walking, running and bicycling animation manually
how to blend and control your animations by markers
how to create different loops without the knowledge of expression
how to create complex camera movements with duik bassel
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