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Blender产品模型渲染教程 Udemy – Realistic Product Creation in Blender. 一步一步讲解在Blender中制作和渲染真实产品场景的方法,包括简单的建模方法、材质着色器的制作、HDRI场景灯光、摄像机动画等。
Realistic Product Creation in Blender. An easy Step by Step to Create a high Quality Product in Blender.Bring out photorealism.Unreal images.throughout this course we will create a realistic product from the first steps to the last steps.Starting with organise the project and knowing the first steps to create models then modeling the headphones taking a strong knowledge of modeling in blender,moving to create realistic materials for the headphones knowing how to use the procedural shaders and create simple realistic materials,and in the Realistic scene creation section you will take the fundamentals of creating Realistic scenes, we will setup a realstic scene conditions ,creating a realistic floor aplying some leaves tree to it using the particle systeme,adding a Ralistic lighting using an hdri ,some camera properties to get an extra realism,and finally render our images so By the end of this part you will be able to achieve Photorealism so you’ll get the essential path needed to start making your own realistic renders.

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