CG大师 中文CG视频培训教程

Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D – Motion Design School – C4D碰撞动力学教程

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Motion Design School – Infinite Crash using Cinema 4D. C4D碰撞动力学教程 Motion Design School – Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D.讲解C4D中小车的绑定和刚体碰撞动力学模拟,场景的优化和设置等。

Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D. This class will guide you through rigging a dynamic ragdoll in Cinema4D and advanced tips for setting up the car too, so that it has a very accurate (and breakable!) rigid body structure. You will also learn how to optimize your dynamic scene so the dynamic simulations are reliable and realistic, without any glitches.

Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程
Dynamics Animation In Cinema 4D - Motion Design School - C4D碰撞动力学教程

原版CG教程:1063.889 M



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