本套教程用Substance Designer来制作章鱼触手3D模型和纹理材质,作者Eric Wiley讲解了如何使用Substance Designer软件绘制章鱼触手材质,他与Levelup.Digital合作,为您带来他对工作流程的深刻见解。在这个完全叙述的分步教程中,分解材质的制作方法,以及用于塑造和分层复杂细节的工具和技术。Eric展示了Substance Designer的强大功能。无论您是初学者还是高级Substance Designer用户,您都可以获得一些新技能,以便集成到您的设计项目工作流程中。
Eric是加利福尼亚州Irvine的暴雪娱乐公司高级艺术家。Eric拥有超过十年的经验,擅长环境艺术和材质创作。在CG行业中有较高知名度,长期研究Substance Designer软件能实现的极限效果,Eric的作品已经在3D Artist中展出。参与过Guild Wars 2,Gigantic,Skylander Super Chargers和Destiny 1&2等项目。Substance Designer章鱼触手材质绘制高级教程Gumroad Advanced Shape Creation in Substance Designer
Well known for his crazy experimentations in Substance Designer and his mind-blowing attention to detail, Eric has collaborated with Levelup.Digital to bring you insights into his workflow. In this fully narrated, step-by-step tutorial, Eric builds an Octopus Tentacles project from start to finish.Learn how Eric analyzes references, his approach to breaking down a material, and his personal tools and techniques for shaping and layering intricate details. Eric shows the power and capabilities of Substance Designer by pushing the limits in this tutorial.