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Houdini破碎特效教程 CGCircuit – Aggregation – Rigid body Self Assembly. 6个半小时的中高阶视频教程,讲解Houdini中各种破碎爆炸效果的制作方法,包括烟雾的模拟、各种细节的添加、场景灯光、输出后后期合成技术。
Houdini CGCircuit – Aggregation – Rigid body Self Assembly. In this 6.5 hour intermediate to advanced level course we’re going to learn how to fracture and explode any object and then dynamically assemble it back together. EPIC.During this course you will not only learn the basic effect, but we’ll also build it up to a full production shot with all the steps to get there. We’ll create awesome electricity, we’ll do smoke simulations, we’ll learn how to light, render and composit everything.. the whole shebang!

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