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Create a Cityscape with Cinema 4D + Photoshop. A beginner to intermediate level course covering the steps of creating a realistic cityscape visualization. C4D夜景城市场景教程(英文字幕) Skillshare – Create a Cityscape with Cinema 4D + Photoshop. 讲解C4D对室外场景制作流程,包含简单的建模、城市街道贴图、灯光环境、渲染输出和后期PS的调节,创建城市景观的课程。
The creative and technical steps involved with 3D modeling the architecture. Create building variations using deformers and the MoGraph cloner to change the shape of each building. Create city blocks, adding entourage and tips for improving CPU performance. Texturing the street with Adobe Photoshop using painting techniques and custom brushes. Create 3 different light set-ups using HDRI images, physical skies and nighttime renders including atmospheric fog effects. Rendering and optimization for faster render times. Post-Production Techniques in Adobe Photoshop.
Welcome to this course on Creating a Cityscape Using Cinema 4D + Photoshop.In this series of lessons we will cover a lot of topics to give you a solid understanding of the entire architectural visualization workflow including: The creative and technical steps involved with 3D modeling the architecture. Creating the city blocks. Texturing the street with Adobe Photoshop. Explore 3 different light set-ups. Rendering and optimization for faster render times. Post-Production Techniques in Adobe Photoshop.

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